Mark Williams
Mark has been in full time ministry since 1981. He has served as a church planting missionary, local church pastor, adjunct professor, missionary and denominational church planting director. Mark is the founding pastor of two churches and has been the mother or partner church pastor for five other church plants. For 18 years Mark served and helped develop the ministry of Dynamic Church Planting International. He wrote and gave oversight to materials that have been used to train over 100,000 church planting leaders in over 100 countries. He is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Biola University, Talbot Seminary and Fuller Seminary where he earned a Doctor of Ministry degree. In 2010 the Moody Bible Institute named Mark “Alumnus of the Year.” He is the co-author of three books on church planting. Mark has trained leaders on 6 continents and countries as diverse as Pakistan, Siberia, Egypt, Peru, The Congo, Ethiopia, Italy, Nepal, Myanmar, Australia, Colombia and others. He also serves as a consultant and mentor to pastors, denominational leaders and mother church leaders. In 2003 he received the Penny Penhollow Award for Excellence in Mentoring Church Planters. Mark’s personal website ( helps people “build life on practical, biblical insights.” He writes and podcasts about spiritual life, family, apologetics, leadership and church planting. Mark’s website is read in 140 countries. Mark & Carolyn have been married since 1979 and have three sons: Gabe, Danny and Ben.

Rich Fernandez
Rich Fernandez is a member of New Song Church in Oceanside, which he has attended since 1992. Rich knew about Jesus growing up in a Catholic Church. But he began his discipleship journey through a small group during his community college years. Shortly after getting married to Debbie, they began to attend Saddleback Church, where Pastor Rick Warren baptized Rich. As part of New Song, Rich has been a life group leader, greeter, assisted in building team projects, and is involved in landscaping maintenance on the church grounds. He has a heart for missions and a strong desire to see the Great Commission fulfilled worldwide. Rich met Mark Williams at New Song and admires Mark's passion for building disciples for Christ. Rich is a Northern California native and worked in computers and telecom engineering during his working career. He met Debbie (also a Fernandez) while employed at an Irvine computer company. They have been married since 1985 and have three sons, Ricky, Nicolaus, and Michael. They also have one grandson, Mateo. Rich's hobbies include traveling, gardening, jogging, bicycling, and hiking.

Gerlanda "G" Reyes
Gerlanda Reyes (“G”) was born and raised in the Philippines, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications and a Bachelor of Laws degree. She worked as a civil and corporate lawyer and then as a Court Administrator before moving to the US in 1992 to join her husband Emil, who then served in the US Navy. She currently works as the Director of Contracts for a biopharmaceutical company, where she started a daily prayer meeting and a prayer chat group with over 50 members. G has served on the Leadership Boards of New Song Community Church as the Secretary and Inland Hills Community Church. G is a 2-time cancer survivor (2007, 2012) and considers March 5, 2007, the day she received the first diagnosis, her spiritual birthday. That’s the day God and His Peace became so real to her. In 2008, she received God’s calling to help those in need to celebrate the birthday of Jesus. The Christmas Hope Project (XHP) was created to provide groceries for ten families in the Philippines. Then a vision came that feeding should be physical and spiritual. In its 3rd year, XHP started sharing the gospel. In 2017, God prompted XHP to go global. In 2021, XHP gave away groceries and shared the gospel with over 2,500 families in fifteen countries (28 locations), where many received Christ as their Lord and Savior. G’s husband, Emil, is the Discipleship Pastor at Coast City Church. He also serves as the Online Delivery Coordinator for DJJ. They live in Oceanside, California, with their son Max who serves on the church’s worship team, and their daughter Germille, who works as an Assistant Manager in a sushi restaurant.

Mike Mieritz
Mike is an Air Force Veteran and former Vice President at Hartford Insurance. He and his wife Karen have been in full-time ministry since 2009. Mike is the Senior Pastor and founder of the Center in Escondido, CA. Within this ministry, Mike and Karen oversee a preschool with 50 children and a San Diego Super Pantry that serves over 10,000 people annually, including locations in Escondido, Poway, and Vista, CA. He is a graduate of Vision International University and recently completed the requirements for his master’s degree in theology from Angelo Bible College in San Angelo, Texas. Mike is the co-founder and Overseer of the Multi-Cultural Christian Network, built to support small church health and growth. He serves on the board of directors for Grace Church Spring Valley and Atmosphere of Faith Christian Church in Vista, CA. He formerly served as president of Ministerio Centro Cristiano, a Southern California-based extension of a ministry based in Cucuta, Colombia. Mike and Karen have been married since 1989 and have four children, Michaela, Kyara, Joshua, and Malenah.