
Staff Opportunities

There are many opportunities to serve the Lord through DJJ. We encourage you to pray over the list below and see if God would have you inquire about joining the staff of this great work of God.

Openings are available for full-time, part-time, and volunteer staff.

As you pray, please know we are a faith mission, trusting God to supply our needs. To that end, DJJ especially needs staff who will raise their personal support or volunteer their time.

Those willing to raise their financial support must share the opportunity to financially support them with friends, family, churches, and others. Their income comes from what these people donate through DJJ for that purpose.

Before inquiring about joining the DJJ staff, it is best if you have signed up for the DJJ lessons through “Start Your Journey” on the home page and have begun using the lessons. Doing this will help you become familiar with how DJJ works. In addition, reviewing this entire website will help you better understand the ministry.

To learn more about these roles and serving, email service@djjministry.org

We will expect that you have already signed up for the lessons, through our “Start Your Journey” button and are using our DJJ materials before you start the staff inquiry process.

After you have read through the Position Description and are ready to connect with us, please tell us about your involvement with the lessons, perhaps your favorite lesson, and how many you are mentoring or taking through the lessons

1. ​Financial Department

  • Bookkeeper